Why study at Shillington?

Why study at Shillington?

So why choose to study at Shillington College? We have a great track record for a start. Our students graduate with superior design skills, create high quality portfolios, and have gone on to secure top design jobs. How do we help them achieve this?

We eat, breathe and sleep Graphic Design.

Some of our teachers would probably marry it if they could. It’s the only thing we focus on, so you can be sure that on our Graphic Design Course you will receive the most up-to-date and relevant education that you can. Our teachers are all practising designers who are passionate about helping you to launch your graphic design career or take it to the next level. 

We prefer to teach than preach.

You won’t find lecture halls in any of our colleges. Instead you will learn the foundations of good graphic design through dynamic presentations, hands-on demos, independent study time and group workshops. Our learning environment is much more like a real studio than a stuffy classroom and you’ll be treated like designers rather than students right from day one. You’ll find college life at Shillington to be quite unlike anything you’ve experienced before.

We know you’re more than just a number.

Our maximum class size is 24, and with two full-time teachers per class you will be well supported throughout your study. Your teachers will get to know your work extremely well during the course and will give you regular feedback and critiques which are tailored to your learning goals. Interested? Find out what our recent Graphic Design Course and Web Course students have to say about studying with us.