FAQs: Help me Decide!

Why should I study at Shillington College?

At Shillington we pride ourselves on teaching industry-relevant, up-to-date courses in a friendly and supportive environment. Our Web Course continually adapts to the ever-changing digital medium so you can be sure of acquiring the skills you need to advance your career. With campuses in the UK and Australia as well as the US, we pride ourselves in having a global view of the design industry.

What is the expected outcome of the course?

At the end of the course you will have completed a working website. To construct this site you’ll put into practise all the core skills and web design principles you’ve learned from the demonstrations and exercises throughout the course.

Will I get a qualification at the end of the course?

As a professional development course the primary focus is on building up your web design skills to complement your existing graphic design experience. You will be awarded a Certificate of Completion from Shillington College to state that you have completed our Web Course.

Is there much homework outside of class times?

The majority of the course work will be completed within class times. However, additional material will be supplied each class for those wanting to take things further. Those doing the part-time course can work on briefs between classes.

Some preparation is required for the final portfolio brief gathering your content (both text and imagery) in order to complete the exercise.

Who teaches the course?

The teachers at Shillington College are friendly, passionate professionals who are keen to pass on their knowledge and experience. All are exceptional designers and great mentors with relevant industry knowledge. Get to know our teachers here. 

Why teach Coda over Dreamweaver?

We’ve chosen to teach Coda because offers a much more streamlined work process compared to Dreamweaver without taking you too far towards developer-land. Dreamweaver’s ‘extra’ features tend to get in the way of learning the foundations of HTML/CSS. Many of these extra features can encourage bad habits for newer users. Also what we are learning with Coda is easily transferable to Dreamweaver when it comes to hand coding (which is what we’ve always focused on).

Will we be covering WordPress during the course?

During the course we do discuss simple Content Management Systems (CMS) such as WordPress, but going into any great detail is beyond a short course like this. Having said that, using your newfound CSS skills you will be able to hack away at a WordPress theme to change the look and feel.

Will we be using Flash during the course?

We do not cover Flash during the course as this has fallen out of usage in modern day web sites thanks in large part to Apple not supporting it on their devices. Instead we look at simple CSS3 animation options that can be created to work natively in the browser.

Does the course cover building HTML emails?

Building HTML emails uses a whole lot of very bad techniques to achieve a layout, techniques that would encourage bad habits when it comes to creating modern website layouts. Instead we suggest looking at services like MailChimp or Campaign Monitor when it comes to HTML emails as they offer the full service.